The Sandberg Student Circle is hosting a series of dinners where we invite recent alumni and current students to programme the evening. With a broad thematic approach concerned with sociality, commons/commoning, and collectivity, we are excited to bring in artists whose practices approach this constellation of themes from varied positions. Whether a listening party, workshop, lecture, guided walk, film screening, speculative presentation, game play-through, tasting menu, reading, a collection of all the above or something else entirely, the only criteria is that the evening involves, at some point, a dinner/the sharing of food.
For this series we were inspired by some of the questions raised in last semester’s Student?Assembly? specifically concerning the lack of a commons, or communal spaces in which to gather, and the role of food in art education. We decided to bring these themes together, and create a series of events which create a communal space through the sharing of food that also allows for us to think of the role of food within the art context.
For the second event in this series, we invited RadicalRootsProject (Mayis Rukel and Lina Bravo Mora) and Brackish to programme an evening responding to this theme. This workshop will invite non-EU students to take some time off to nourish and synch with their bodies while sharing space, and possibly connect with fellow migrant students. Following the lineages of somatic work Mayis and Lina have been learning at Ecologies of Transformation with Char CA, Joy Mariama Smith, and Camille Barton, we will offer some somatic exercises to bring awareness to the multiple sensations preparing food, eating and cleaning our table and kitchen, provoke in our bodies. Using the ingredient tarhana as our guide, Catalina and Lila, 1/2 of the Brackish collective, will take a closer look at the ingredients and methods of preparation involved in preparing this soup that is often present in the ifthar tables of Ramadan. Collectively, we will prepare this dish - tasting and telling stories along the way - with the somatic exercises facilitated by Radical Roots. A moment to check in with ourselves and receive nourishment from both the non-EU community and the amazing food.
Radical Roots is community building project using food and storytelling as sources for radical care - a project for radical care / care from the roots of the rootless. Radical Roots proposes wonderers, migrants, travellers, and better life seekers to gather around a portable cooking table, honouring that we all carry wisdom, we can all teach each other, and we can always learn from each other’s memories and paths. As migrants, we want to create spaces of belonging for other migrants who have left their countries due to injustice. As migrants, we want to develop transformative justice spaces for rest, creativity, and “radical tenderness.” “We all deserve it!” Our goal is to share the pleasure and medicine of food and the choreographies of cooking. We put our creative energy into building connections with each other in spaces, conditions, and times when being disconnected may seem more accessible. We are Mayis Rukel and Lina Bravo Mora, students of Temporary MA Ecologies of Tranformation at Sandberg Instituut. Radical Roots is a radical collaborative project and we have worked with Sankrit, Anna Celda, Juliet Davis. Elena Braida, Colectivo Pantitlan, Narges Mohamadi, Ro Buur, Stichting de Vrolijkheid, Earthcraft, and Pluk!
Brackish is a collaborative and interdisciplinary project formed by the artists and writers; Catalina Reyes (CL), Lila Bullen-Smith (ZA), Megan Hadfield (UK), and Toni Brell (DE). Brackish seeks to explore local history and memory using the ebb and flow of water as the point of departure for artistic research. Through narrative dinners, food tastings and storytelling, we create a multisensory frame that brings this research to life.