What does the publication do or mean?
How is it going to exist and circulate?
How does it achieve its aspirations through form?
Can it contribute to the well-being of the community?
How do content, editorial concept and design come together?
Can a workshop transform into a publication?
Can a publication transform into a workshop?
What does a non-physical publication look like?
What are the boundaries of a publication?
Can a publication be the start of … ?
Next deadline: Monday 3rd October at Midnight, 23;59.
Open office hrs: 26th - 29th of sept.
Announcement of selected projects: 14th of October.
The application process
The Student Council is trying to make the application and funding process as easy and intuitive as possible through an online form(opens in a new tab).
To apply you MUST come to our open office hours. In these IRL meetings, we will make sure your application fits these criteria, offer feedback, and answer questions you may have. We will have open office hours in the week of Mon 26th Sept. Please sign up here(opens in a new tab) to schedule an open office meeting.
- If your application is successful, you will need to include the Student Council logo in your communication to students and in the colophon. Please share all your posters, photos, etc. with us for documentation
- By participating in this funding round you agree to participate in several meetings and workshops with the Student Council that will support you in the realisation of your project. For example, we will be hosting an introduction event where we will go over the funding booklet which explains the ins and outs of the financial administration and documentation system, as well as an end-of-year borrel with all those who were funded.
- If your application is successful, you will need to document your working process and use our suggested google-drive infrastructure to keep the Student Council updated. You will be informed in detail about this during the introduction event. You must submit the necessary materials in order for your money to be refunded.
Criteria for projects
- The project socially engages with and benefits the Rietveld and Sandberg community.
- The funding allows space for experimentation, failure, and projects with less tangible results. We are hoping for projects that are ambitious and community-oriented.
- For the Fall 2022, we are collaborating with the BB BookBinding workshop.They have collected paper, sources, techniques and unique tools to aid in an experimental approach. We encourage you to use their expertise in the formation and deliverance of your project.
- You can apply for a minimum of €600 and a maximum of €3000. You do not need to reach the maximum of €3000. When you submit your application, you need to inform the Student Council if there is any additional funding from other sources for the project. We will publish a spreadsheet template for the budget proposals, it’s mandatory to use the template and send it to us as a .XLSX document.
- Your project receipts need to be sent in before 1st December. The project should be finished before the Winter assessments.
- You will not be able to pay for external Graphic Design of the publication, instead we encourage inter-departmental collaboration to fill skill gaps.
- Guest tutors and speakers can be paid a maximum of €165 for a half-day and €325 for a full day. Paying current students is NOT possible.
- Does your guest need a place to stay? There are short-stay options through school. Please discuss this during the open office hours. Think about the climate! We prefer trains over planes and zooms over planes.
- Equipment purchases are eligible as long as they are necessary for the realisation of your project. Equipment has to be returned to the Student Council so we can offer it to other students for future projects.
The Student Council is trying to make the application and funding process as easy and intuitive as possible for you. If you have any feedback, we are happy to hear about your experience.
You can also see what kind of projects we have funded in the past here(opens in a new tab).
Any questions? Send them to us at studentcouncil@rietveldacademie.nl
Apply here(opens in a new tab)
Please attach in the form a filled-in budget template, which you can find here(opens in a new tab) (the tab ‘template example’ shows an example of a filled-in budget).
Reserve a spot for the mandatory open office hours here(opens in a new tab).