Unsettling (0 comments)
Last updated on 2023.05.19, 18:07
Unsettling Can Gerrit Rietveld Academie and Sandberg Instituut become radically inclusive structures? Unsettling is an intra-curricular initiative working actively between and beyond the structures and discourses of the academy to unsettle the Rietveld and Sandberg from the roots up. Contact:
Student Counsellor (2 comments)
Last updated on 2023.05.19, 18:12
Student Counsellor Name: Mirjam Mazurel Contact: / 0611273857 Location: Room 203 Rietveld building Working days: Mondays - Thursdays Visiting hours for consultation (without appointment): Mondays 12-2 pm, Wednesdays 12-2 pm, Wednesdays 10-12 am at 3rd floor BC building/Sandberg. Otherwise email to make an appointment. You can find more information about when to contact the student counsellor here
Confidants (0 comments)
Last updated on 2023.05.19, 18:21
Confidants: A Listening Ear The Confidant system is a new initiative in the academy. Confidants actively approach all students to offer a listening ear. They meet students individually to check in, and, if necessary, refer students to the appropriate support persons at school (counsellor, psychologist, student affairs, etc.), or elsewhere. Confidants provide general support and guidance regarding internal and external professionals, procedures and regulations, as well as complaint procedures. The individual meeting with a confidant is an important opportunity for each of you to discuss in a…
Student Psychologist (0 comments)
Last updated on 2023.05.19, 18:16
Student Psychologist Would you like to speak to someone about your mental health? Students of the Gerrit Rietveld Academie and the Sandberg Instituut can contact the student psychologist, for the following: psychological problems advice about referrals to other bodies in the case of psychosocial problems Name: Sjaña Holloway Contact: Location: Room 225 BC building Working days: Thursdays between 10.00-15.00 You can also make an appointment directly via the intranet
non-EU Community Support (0 comments)
Last updated on 2023.05.19, 18:49
This is an initiative that provides further support and community for non-EU, through gatherings, workshops, and individual support. The initiative of the non-EU community aims to improve the support system available both in Rietveld and in Sandberg. Although there are already resources in the academy, they are not necessarily the most accessible and the situation of non-EU students calls for more attention as it is more often subject to change. This trajectory focuses on 3 main parts: First contact with students before arrival to the Netherlands: More personal contact via video call,…
Complaint Procedures (0 comments)
Last updated on 2023.05.22, 8:28
Whilst the Gerrit Rietveld Academie and the Sandberg Institute make every effort to ensure affairs run smoothly within the organisations, mistakes may be made or situations may arise in which a student or employee feels they have been treated inappropriately. Should such a situation arise, it is advisable for the student or employee to discuss this with the person(s) directly involved. The dean or HR manager may be able to play an advisory or mediating role. If it is not possible – or, in certain situations, desirable – to reach an informal agreement, then a more official approach may be…
Confidential Advisors (0 comments)
Last updated on 2023.05.22, 8:29
You can approach confidential advisers whenever you are concerned about undesirable behavior by colleagues, teachers, students or managers. This means behavior that you experience as inappropriate, unwelcome, hurtful or threatening. That includes bullying, harassment, gossip, sexual intimidation, aggression, violence and discrimination, but also other forms of abuse, for example corruption or fraud. Internal confidential Advisors for Students and Employees Matthijs Hattink:…
Accessibility (0 comments)
Last updated on 2023.05.22, 8:32
Accessibility In terms of physical accessibility, there are a number of considerations and limitations at the Gerrit Rietveld and Sandberg. In the last few years, it has been the organising and efforts of students with disabilities themselves to address and improve the accessibility of the school that has resulted in change. There are still many more changes needed, and it is the duty of the school, not the students, to be proactive on this front. This topic is being addressed by facilities and other relevant groups in the school. Regarding physical accessibility, we will go through each…
Social Safety (0 comments)
Last updated on 2023.05.19, 19:55
Social Safety The Rietveld Academie disapproves of any form of (sexual) intimidation and violence. Everyone at the academy should be able to work and study in a good atmosphere. Safety is an essential condition for this. The board of the Rietveld Academie considers undesirable behaviour a serious problem that requires our continuous attention. The board wishes to be accountable for a safe study environment where undesirable behaviour is prevented, and for an atmosphere in which negative experiences can be discussed and will be addressed. The Rietveld Academie strives for a constructive and…
Student Affairs and International Office (0 comments)
Last updated on 2023.05.19, 20:00
Student Affairs Student Affairs can help you with (information about) all practical matters related to studying at the Gerrit Rietveld Academie. Like admissions, enrollment or (temporarily) terminating your studies, exchange, student cards, residence permits, change your address, telephone number or e-mail address, statements, official letters, proof of payment, information on student housing, student loans, (medical) insurance, tuition fees and excursions. Visiting hours: Monday to Thursday from 12.30 to 2.30 PM, 1st floor Benthem Crouwel building Contact:…