Accessing mental health care in the Netherlands can be difficult, as there are often long waiting lists for care, however here are some resources and organisations that can help you in the process:
- You can speak with your GP, who will refer you to a mental health practitioner. In the Netherlands, so long as you have a referral from your GP, your psychological treatment will be covered by your health insurance (but it is important to always check with your healthcare provider what is and is not covered, and to what extent mental health care is covered). Once you have been issued a referral, you can visit one of the many GGZ institutions in the Netherlands. The GGZ is the ‘Dutch Association of Mental Health and Addiction Care’. At your first appointment, you will have an intake interview. If the health care professional you see decides that you require treatment, it will be arranged and planned out for you. Keep in mind that this option (using the free mental health service) often means a 3-6 month wait for help.
- De Luisterlijn(opens in a new tab) (Listening Line) is for anyone who needs a listening ear, anonymous, day and night: tel. 0900- 0767 or chat via the (website in Dutch).
- Suicidal ideation: 113/0800 – 0113, a 24/7 anonymous helpline.
- Domestic violence: If you want to report or discuss domestic violence, call this 24/7 helpline 0800-2000. In case of immediate danger call 112.
- A list of organisations and resources for LGBTQ support(opens in a new tab) in Amsterdam.
- MIND Korrelatie(opens in a new tab) offers anonymous, professional, psychological and psychosocial help. MIND Korrelatie gives individual advice and help to anyone who asks for it.
- Suicidal thoughts? If you are having suicidal thoughts, it is important to talk about them. You can do so, 24/7 and anonymously, with the people at the suicide hotline 113. They offer a sympathetic ear and can give you advice. You can call or chat with them here: 0900 0113 / (English/Dutch). In case of an emergency situation call 112.
- Sexual assault: if you have experienced sexual assault and need immediate help you can call the Centrum Seksueel Geweld/Sexual Violence Center(opens in a new tab) on 0800-0188. If you want to report a sexual assault you can contact the police's sexual offence department on 09 8844.
- Victim Support: If you have experienced a traumatic situation and need help, then you can contact Victim Support on 116-006.
- Drugs-testing.(opens in a new tab)