There are a number of municipal taxes(opens in a new tab) you have to pay when living in Amsterdam, such as rubbish tax (afvalstoffenheffing) and water tax (waterschapsbelasting). These bills can come as a nasty surprise, so it’s good to know about them. They will turn up in your letterbox with the listed amount and payment method.
Municipal Tax Remittance
In the letter you will also see information about appealing the tax and/or applying for tax exemption. For more information about this and to apply for remittance go here(opens in a new tab). You can apply for an exemption if you are considered a low-income person and have little money in your bank account. This amount varies, so it is good to check out the official information.
You can also appeal the tax and/or the amount calculated, for example, one can be charged the waste tax for the entire year despite only living in the house for 6 months, then you should appeal to get the amount reduced. You can find out more information about appealing municipal taxes here.(opens in a new tab)
Anonymous 🐙 on 2023.05.16, 13:07
For more information about this, check out the information here. You can apply for an exemption if you earn under €1,211.16 per month (as a single person), and have little money in your bank account. …
For more information about this, check out the information here. You can apply for an exemption if you earn under €1,211.16 per month (as a single person), and have little money in your bank account.
The link is not working (where does the link lead to? Hopefully here: in a new tab)
Better don’t mention the amount of € 1,211.16, because the amount is not fixed!